There is nothing as alarming as coming across an unexpected hazard in the road when you are on a motorcycle. These hazards can come in the form of debris, animals or even cargo that was poorly secured and fell into the road. Preparing yourself to safely navigate such...
Fighting For The Rights Of Georgia’s Injured For Decades
Month: November 2019
Guilty plea in trucking accident that killed 14
Sharing the Georgia roads with large trucks requires focus, attention and care on the part of the truck driver, pedestrians and the drivers of any smaller vehicles. Truckers spend long hours on the road and often go through extensive stretches without breaks or...
Does Georgia have dram shop laws?
Many people believe that any injury or harm caused by an inebriated individual is that person's responsibility alone. Numerous states, including Georgia, dispute this claim and have dram shop laws in place that hold a licensed business liable for the resulting damage...