People never know when they might encounter someone who employs very unsafe practices at the wheel. Although most people might imagine that professional drivers are less likely to engage in negligent behavior than those who operate passenger vehicles, this isn't...
Fighting For The Rights Of Georgia’s Injured For Decades
truck accidents
Trucking regulations are there to help prevent truck crashes
The federal government has many trucking regulations in place to help make sure that items are transported safely and that people are kept safe while trucks are on the roads. The regulations do change regularly, so it’s not surprising that there are some new trucking...
Advancements in automotive safety can prevent truck crashes
As scientific progress marches forward, many innovators put their energies into automotive technologies. New technology seeks to improve both the driving experience and road safety with self-driving cars and predictive warning systems. As non-profit organizations and...
The Bad Ideas Preventing Progress On Truck Safety
It’s no secret that America is very polarized right now, and not just when it comes to politics. It seems like many groups are adopting an “us vs. them” mentality where none needs to exist. In fact, this attitude often shuts down productive discussion and makes...
How big trucks affect road conditions
Georgia is one of the busiest trucking hubs in the country. Tractor-trailers carry goods from around the world and across the country along highways and secondary roads. Whether you commute into Atlanta or work locally, you likely share the roads with big rigs daily....
3 reasons to be cautious when sharing the road with a semitruck
You’ve felt the size difference between your car and a semitruck. It’s that feeling that you get when you look up into the cab of a truck and see just how high up the truck driver sits. You’ve been lucky up to this point and you’ve never had to feel that size...
Truck accidents: an always frightening and outsized roadway risk
Driving-linked risks for conscientious motorists in Polk and Cobb counties and elsewhere across Georgia are constant and varied. A representative list of challenges ranges broadly from pedal-to-the-metal speeders and tailgaters to nasty weather and animals suddenly...
Truck accidents where tires come loose can cause injury and death
Georgia roads have many trucks going to and through the state. These vehicles must be properly maintained and operated safely to avoid accidents with injuries and fatalities. When there are truck accidents, there are many ways in which people can be injured even if...
Emergency vehicle truck accidents can cause serious injury
Drivers in Marietta and across Georgia should be cognizant of when emergency vehicles are heading their way. With the sirens likely blaring, it should be difficult not to hear them coming. It is a driver's responsibility to move aside and give emergency vehicles like...
Group expresses concern over drugged drivers’ truck accidents
One of the most common causes of truck accidents in Georgia and across the U.S. is a driver who is under the influence. While this is commonly categorized as drivers who have been drinking, drugged driving is also a problem. Since these vehicles are large, fast and...