One of the most common causes of truck accidents in Georgia and across the U.S. is a driver who is under the influence. While this is commonly categorized as drivers who have been drinking, drugged driving is also a problem. Since these vehicles are large, fast and...
Fighting For The Rights Of Georgia’s Injured For Decades
Month: June 2019
Hit-and-run motorcycle accidents leave Georgia riders in danger
Motorcycles must share the road with other vehicles. Because of their lack of protection, motorcyclists should take all the necessary precautions to be as safe as possible. Unfortunately, even when they do, they are at risk. Drivers of passenger vehicles often forget...
After motor vehicle accidents, a lawsuit can recover compensation
Motor vehicle accidents happen without warning in Georgia and can have a negative impact on many lives. These crashes can cause injuries and fatalities with exorbitant financial, personal and emotional costs. Whether the accident happened because of a drunk driver, a...
Left turn accidents: Motorcycle riders’ biggest hazard
That first day out on your new motorcycle feels so free and invigorating. You cannot believe it took you this long to finally buy a bike. You can tell after just one ride that you're going to be obsessed and that your weekends are sure to become chances for you to...
Motor vehicle accidents a rising danger for emergency responders
When there are motor vehicle accidents or other incidents on the Georgia roadways, first responders are a welcome sight as they are there quickly and help those who have been in an accident. Even if there were no injuries in the crash, the first responders can help...