Due to the Covid-19 pandemic that shows no signs of slowing down, the holiday season will look very different for most Americans this year. Government leaders and health officials are urging everyone to avoid family gatherings for Thanksgiving, and some are heeding that advice. But many are choosing to take their chances with a traditional celebration. That often means driving some distance to meet up with loved ones in other cities or even other states.
Despite the pandemic, AAA projects that car travel (which is normally very high around Thanksgiving) will only decrease by about 4.3 percent compared to other years. That means millions of Americans on the road in the next few days. If you’ll be traveling for Thanksgiving or just driving to run errands, please remember that Covid-19 isn’t the only safety threat you’ll be facing.
Starting with Thanksgiving, the holiday season always seems to come with increased rates of drunk driving. As you consider whether or not to travel, please keep in mind that you cannot control the decisions that other drivers make. You’ll even need to make this calculation when running errands on certain days or at certain times of day. Usually, the safest times to drive are late morning through mid-afternoon. If possible, it is best to avoid driving after dark – particularly on weekends and on the eves of major holidays.
Although the holiday season will look different this year, the risk of drunk driving accidents is an unfortunate tradition that won’t be going away. If you or a loved one gets seriously injured by a drunk driver, please discuss your legal options with an experienced personal injury attorney.